The The Wacky World of Tex Avery theme song is played at the start of every episode.
- 1 English
- 2 Arabic
- 3 Finnish
- 4 French
- 5 German
- 6 Portuguese (Brazil)
- 7 Spanish (Latin America)
- 8 Spanish (Spain)
- 9 Tex Avery Show
- 9.1 TV size
- 9.2 Extended cut
- 10 Missing versions
- Singers:?
Welcome to the wacky wack, wackWacky, wacky, wack, wackWelcome to the wacky world of Tex AveryWelcome to the wacky, wack, wackWelcome to the wack, wackWacky, wacky worldWelcome to the wacky, wack, wackWelcome to the wack, wackWelcome to the wacky world of Tex AveryWelcome to the wacky, wack, wackWelcome to the wacky, wackyWacky, wacky world(Einstone plays heads with fish)(Sagebrush Sid plays heads with fish)(Tex Avery flaps his lips with his finger while Maurice does armpit farts)(Sagebrush Sid joins Tex Avery to flap lips together)Welcome to the wacky, wack, wackWacky, wacky, wacky, wackyWacky, wacky, worldThe wacky world of Tex Avery"Tex Avery!"
- Singers: Jean Samara, Rasha Rizk
ت ت تعالوا إلينافإن لديناالضحك والأفراحت ت تعالوا لعالمتيكس المتناغمبين جدا ومزاحسا سا ساعدوا الصديقالأخ والرفيقفي كل الأحياناحترموا الصغيرالشيخ والكبيروكل إنسانازرع ازرع ازرع الخير دوماكي تحمل يوماًعلى مثله من خيركركركركرتون
ta ta taealawa 'iilaynafa'iin ladaynaaldahik wal'afrah na na taealua liealamtiks almutanagham bayn jidana wamizah sa sa saeaduu alsadiyq al'akh walrafiq fi kuli al'ahyan aihtarimuu alsaghiraalshaykh walkabirawakulu 'iinsan azrae azrae azrae alkhayr dawmankay tahmil ywmaan ealaa mithlih min khayrkarikirikarkirtun
- Singers:?
Vuorossa on sekopäät nääEi oo järjen häivääKahjokkaat kun kanavalla tällä rällääTulkaa kaheliporukkaanEi mee aikaa hukkaanTää on mukavaaKahjokkaat nyt nämä nähkääEi oo päätä, häntääKaverit kun hullun hassut tässä rällääHeppuja näin höppänöitäJokainen saa olla seko-seko-sekopääHeppuja näin höppänöitäJokainen saa olla seko-seko-sekopääNyt esittäytyvät Kahjokkaat nää!”Tex Avery!”
- Singers: Patrick Giraudy
Please provide French lyrics if you can
- Singers:?
Please provide German lyrics if you can
Portuguese (Brazil)[]
- Singers:?
Please provide Brazilian Portuguese lyrics if you can
Spanish (Latin America)[]
(version 1)
(version 2)
- Singers: Raúl Carballeda, Ernesto Lezama (Pompeii Pete, v1), Ricardo Mendoza (Pompeii Pete, v2)
Sean todos bienvenidosA este mundo locoLoco mundo loco de Tex AveryMuy loco, loco es este mundoQué mundo tan locoLoco de verdadSean todos bienvenidosBienvenidos todosA este mundo loco de Tex AveryMuy loco, loco es este mundoEste mundo loco, locoLoco de verdadSean todos bienvenidosA este mundo loco, locoLoco de verdadEl mundo loco de Tex Avery"¡Tex Avery!"
Spanish (Spain)[]
- Singers:?
Loco, loco loco mundoLoco loco mundoDe Tex Avery, el loco loco mundoLoco, loco loco mundoLoco loco mundoDe Tex AveryLoco, loco loco mundoLoco loco mundoDe Tex Avery, el loco loco mundoLoco, loco loco mundoLoco loco mundo locoMundo sin igualLoco, loco loco mundoLoco loco mundo locoMundo sin igualEl loco mundo de Tex Avery"¡El loco mundo de Tex Avery!"
Tex Avery Show[]
Tex Avery Show is the Italian theme song of the show.
TV size[]
- Singers: Cristina D'Avena (main lyrics), Pietro Ubaldi, Patrizia Mottola (background voices)
- Opening
La la la la la, Tex Avery Show!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un cowboy super chiassoso, buffo e chiaccherone,Che si schiaccia e si stiracchia, il suo nome è Tex! (Tex!)Passa il tempo a litigare con un imbroglione,Ed insieme se ne vanno in giro nel Far West!C'è chi scalpita e chi palpita,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un moscone molto rozzo, un tipo da strapazzo,Che tormenta Miss Amanda proprio tutto il dì!Miss Amanda è molto ricca e vive in un palazzo,Dove lotta col moscone sempre vis a vis!C'è chi strilla un po', chi fa quel che può,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un vivace supercane magro e diligente,Che si crede un grande eroe, ma poi non lo è!Il gattino Mike Freccetta gli fa da assistente,E lo toglie dai pasticci quando fa da sè!C'è chi brancola e chi ruzzola,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un preistorico genietto che fa l'inventore,E lavora tutto il giorno da una vita ormai!È davvero assai brillante, ma un po' sognatoreE perciò ogni sua invenzione non funziona mai!Tex... Tex...(Sì?)Dove sei, Tex?(Sono qua... sono pronto, dove sei?)Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi strilla un po', chi fa quel che può,Nel fantastico Tex Avery...(Adesso canto io!) NO!(Nel fantastico...') NO! (Nel fantastico...)Tex Avery Show! (Sissignore!) (Sì!)
La la la la la, Tex Avery Show!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a super loud, funny and chatty cowboyWho squashes and stretches himself, his name is Tex! (Tex!)Takes his time by bickering with a cheater,And the two go together around the Far West!There's who can't stay still and who palpitates,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a very rude fly, a low rate guy,Who torments Miss Amanda all day long!Miss Amanda is very rich and lives in a palace,Where she always fights face to face with the fly!There's who screams a bit, who does what he can,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a lively superdog, slim and diligent,Who believes he's a great hero, but at the end he isn't!Little Buddy the kitten acts as his sidekick,And takes him out of trouble whenever he goes alone!There's who wanders and who stumbles,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a prehistoric genius who is an inventor,Who works all day long for his whole life!He's very brilliant, but a bit dreamy,Therefore his inventions never work!Tex... Tex...(Yes?)Where are you, Tex?(I'm here... I'm ready, where are you?)In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who screams a bit, who does what he can,In the fantastic Tex Avery...(I'll sing now!) NO!(In the fantastic...) NO! (In the fantastic...)Tex Avery Show! (Yessir!) (Yes!)
- Ending
La la la la la, Tex Avery Show!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un cowboy super chiassoso, buffo e chiaccherone,Che si schiaccia e si stiracchia, il suo nome è Tex! (Tex!)Passa il tempo a litigare con un imbroglione,Ed insieme se ne vanno in giro nel Far West!C'è chi scalpita e chi palpita,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un galletto grassottello, pratico e saccente,E una volpe a pancia vuota che si chiama Joe!Per la fame questa volpe pensa solamenteSempre ad acciuffare il gallo per saziarsi un po'!C'è chi litiga, chi si arrampica,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un leone veramente coraggioso e fiero,Che si batte senza sosta di città in città!Vuol riuscire ad allargare sempre più il suo impero,Ma una dolce cagnolina glielo impedirà!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un signore (che scompiglio!) basso e pasticcione,Che si veste e si traveste come più gli va!Lì con lui c'è un altro tizio, alto e furbacchione,Che ne pensa e ne combina un'infinità!Tex... Tex...(Sì?)Dove sei, Tex?(Sono qua... sono pronto, dove sei?)Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi strilla un po', chi fa quel che può,Nel fantastico Tex Avery...(Adesso canto io!) NO!(Nel fantastico...') NO! (Nel fantastico...)Tex Avery Show! (Sissignore!) (Sì!)
La la la la la, Tex Avery Show!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a super loud, funny and chatty cowboyWho squashes and stretches himself, his name is Tex! (Tex!)Takes his time by bickering with a cheater,And the two go together around the Far West!There's who can't stay still and who palpitates,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a chubby chicken, practical and wiseacre,And a fox with an empty stomach named Mooch!Due to the hunger this fox only thinksAll the time about catching the chicken to fill for a while!There's who bickers, who climbs,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a very brave and proud lion,Who fights nonstop from town to town!He wants to enlarge his empire more and more,But a sweet puppy will stop him!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a guy (what a mess!) who's small and clumsy,He dresses up and disguises himself as he likes it!There's another guy with him, tall and smart,Who thinks and does a lot of things!Tex... Tex...(Yes?)Where are you, Tex?(I'm here... I'm ready, where are you?)In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who screams a bit, who does what he can,In the fantastic Tex Avery...(I'll sing now!) NO!(In the fantastic...) NO! (In the fantastic...)Tex Avery Show! (Yessir!) (Yes!)
Extended cut[]
La la la la la, Tex Avery Show!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un cowboy super chiassoso, buffo e chiaccherone,Che si schiaccia e si stiracchia, il suo nome è Tex! (Tex!)Passa il tempo a litigare con un imbroglione,Ed insieme se ne vanno in giro nel Far West!C'è chi scalpita e chi palpita,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un moscone molto rozzo, un tipo da strapazzo,Che tormenta Miss Amanda proprio tutto il dì!Miss Amanda è molto ricca e vive in un palazzo,Dove lotta col moscone sempre vis a vis!C'è chi strilla un po', chi fa quel che può,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un vivace supercane magro e diligente,Che si crede un grande eroe, ma poi non lo è!Il gattino Mike Freccetta gli fa da assistente,E lo toglie dai pasticci quando fa da sè!C'è chi brancola e chi ruzzola,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un preistorico genietto che fa l'inventore,E lavora tutto il giorno da una vita ormai!È davvero assai brillante, ma un po' sognatoreE perciò ogni sua invenzione non funziona mai!C'è chi salta su e chi ritorna giù,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un galletto grassottello, pratico e saccente,E una volpe a pancia vuota che si chiama Joe!Per la fame questa volpe pensa solamenteSempre ad acciuffare il gallo per saziarsi un po'!C'è chi litiga, chi si arrampica,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un leone veramente coraggioso e fiero,Che si batte senza sosta di città in città!Vuol riuscire ad allargare sempre più il suo impero,Ma una dolce cagnolina glielo impedirà!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è un signore (che scompiglio!) basso e pasticcione,Che si veste e si traveste come più gli va!Lì con lui c'è un altro tizio, alto e furbacchione,Che ne pensa e ne combina un'infinità!Tex... Tex...(Sì?)Dove sei, Tex?(Sono qua...)Ah, sei qui, Tex...(Sono pronto, dove sei?)Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi litiga, chi si arrampica,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi corre e va, chi sta fermo qua,Nel fantastico Tex Avery Show!C'è chi strilla un po', chi fa quel che può,Nel fantastico Tex Avery...(Adesso canto io!) NO!(Nel fantastico...') NO! (Nel fantastico...)Tex Avery Show! (Sissignore!) (Sì!)
La la la la la, Tex Avery Show!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a super loud, funny and chatty cowboyWho squashes and stretches himself, his name is Tex! (Tex!)Takes his time by bickering with a cheater,And the two go together around the Far West!There's who can't stay still and who palpitates,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a very rude fly, a low rate guy,Who torments Miss Amanda all day long!Miss Amanda is very rich and lives in a palace,Where she always fights face to face with the fly!There's who screams a bit, who does what he can,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a lively superdog, slim and diligent,Who believes he's a great hero, but at the end he isn't!Little Buddy the kitten acts as his sidekick,And takes him out of trouble whenever he goes alone!There's who wanders and who stumbles,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a prehistoric genius who is an inventor,Who works all day long for his whole life!He's very brilliant, but a bit dreamy,Therefore his inventions never work!There's who jumps up and who comes back down,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a chubby chicken, practical and wiseacre,And a fox with an empty stomach named Mooch!Due to the hunger this fox only thinksAll the time about catching the chicken to fill for a while!There's who bickers, who climbs,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a very brave and proud lion,Who fights nonstop from town to town!He wants to enlarge his empire more and more,But a sweet puppy will stop him!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's a guy (what a mess!) who's small and clumsy,He dresses up and disguises himself as he likes it!There's another guy with him, tall and smart,Who thinks and does a lot of things!Tex... Tex...(Yes?)Where are you, Tex?(I'm here...)Ah, you're here, Tex...(I'm ready, where are you?)In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who bickers, who climbs,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who runs and goes, who stands still here,In the fantastic Tex Avery Show!There's who screams a bit, who does what he can,In the fantastic Tex Avery...(I'll sing now!) NO!(In the fantastic...) NO! (In the fantastic...)Tex Avery Show! (Yessir!) (Yes!)
Missing versions[]
- These versions of the theme songs have not surfaced anywhere online. They cannot be added anywhere on this page until either the audio or the lyrics are provided.
- Czech
- Dutch
- Indonesian
- Malayalam
- Mandarin
- Valencian
- The song was left undubbed in the Greek and European Portuguese dubs.